Author: azalpinetrailit

AZAT Goals and Objectives Workshop
Arizona Alpine Trail, Inc. (AZAT) had a successful workshop to review our goals and objectives and to make sure they align with those of the community and towns that are connected via the trail.

Outdoors SW Magazine Article July 2023
A short article was published about us in Outdoors SW Magazine.

Alpine Open House Meeting
Arizona Alpine Trail, Inc. (AZAT) would like to thank the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest (ASNF) for assembling an open house discussion with the Alpine community on Monday, August 28th, 2023. Over 30 community members attended to ask questions, address concerns, and propose ideas about how Alpine will be connected to the […]

Donation from Waste Management of Arizona
AZAT would like to extend thanks to Waste Management of Arizona for their kind and generous donation to help AZAT offset waste disposal costs when gathering and cleaning up trash from the trail. AZAT fully endorses a “leave no trace” policy when out enjoying the trail. Regardless of who left […]

Kick-off Meeting with Logan-Simpson
Today we officially began working on the AZAT Master Plan with our engineering firm Logan-Simpson. Up until now we have completed many tasks in preparation for this, but now we are officially working on items to create the master plan for the project.

A word from our President
The Arizona Alpine Trail, Inc an Arizona 501 (c)(3) non profit corporation was recently notified that our grant for the Master Plan has been approved and funded by Arizona State Parks and Trails effective June 23, 2023. This grant will be the foundation for the creation of our multi-modal, but […]

Pardon Our Dust…
Welcome to our new website! Things are still under construction, but we will soon have a website that will share information about the Arizona Alpine Trail project that is underway. Stay tuned for more information!

Our Mission
Arizona Alpine Trail, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation established to educate and promote public awareness regarding the sport of Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) riding safety, with awareness and respect for the environment. Our mission is to develop, maintain, document, and promote a trail system that can be used by […]

The Trail
example only, this is not the actual trail… trail alignment still under development… Payson, Young, Forest Lakes, Heber, Show Low, Eagar, Alpine, and Hannagan Meadow. The total mileage for all trails that will link the above cities together will be approximately 650 miles. As links are created that connect main […]

Economic Benefits
Many North Eastern towns and cities will greatly benefit from the development of this trail. Hotels, restaurants, gift shops, and many other small businesses should see increased revenue from tourism generated from this project.